On top of the numbers issue, frankly, things. From Sioux Falls first butcher shop to the renowned downtown restaurant you know and love, Crawfords has a storied history in the Sioux Falls area. Los Angeles - Cooper Do-nuts, One Way, Toy Tiger, Numbers, Sewers of Paris, Pure Trash, Golden Carp, Rascals, Bunkhouse, Flippers, Cock of the Walk, Cabaret, Purple Lion, Glass Onion, Barracks, Oil Can Harry's, GayWay, Dragstrip 66, Rawhide, Tandem, Clown, Hayloft, Hotshots, Halsted's, Hub, Jaguar, Greg's Blue Dot, Mag, JR's, Keith's, Ken's River Club, Farm, Westside, Black Knight, Blue Angel, Yukon Mining Company, Basic Plumbing, Arthur J's, Gold Coast, LeBar, Griffs, Coral Sands Motel, Bushwacker, Black Cat, Gino's, here, County Seat, Fallen Angel, Forsooth the Dragon, Eagle, KLYT, Plush Pony, Hy-Spot, Little Dipper, Manspace, MJ's, OneWay, Numbers WeHo, Carriage Trade, Phases, Silver Saddle, Zone, Palace, OutCast, Study, Renegade, Blacklite, Boots, Boxcar, Daniel's, C'est La Vie, Etc. The state’s last gay bar, I-Beam, which was located in Fargo, closed down in 2008, and North Dakota’s LGBTQ community has struggled to replace it. Enjoy our chef-driven menu in an atmosphere rich with history.