First, he says, it’s an easy way to start building structure into your workouts. More than the physical benefits, though, Adashun emphasizes some of the less tangible effects of committing to a single exercise every day. Of course, even doing just one set over a long span of time, you’re likely to see some physical gains-Adashun shows himself hitting 51 push-ups before having to quit, but focusing on doing a single set a day had him topping 100. Doing a daily set of push-ups to failure for a year can have a lot of benefits, he argues. In a new video, YouTuber Troy Adashun makes his case for an experiment he did when he was 17 years old. But what if you did that set every day? Every day for a year? That’s a few minutes of work, and while you’ll be feeling the burn by the end, it’s not particularly strenuous or challenging. Doing a single set of push-ups to failure doesn’t sound like a lot.